Sirius shelter with 2,500 animals fighting for survival.
Sirius is financed by donations only, because there is no government support.
However, in Ukraine is war and many people primarily support war victims and the army.
The debt of the shelter are extremely high, about 8000 euros and more and more debt and also animals come every day
Alone from the war zone Sirius has added about 200 dogs and cats last year.
Sirius takes on abandoned and injured animals.
A few days ago they again found a closed garbage bag with 7 puppies in front of the entrance.
And this at 30 degrees!
Some animals are so thin that they are fighting for bread.
But in few days there is also nothing in Sirius to feed all 2500 cats and dogs.
Often you can get past leftovers from supermarkets, but last time there are mostly only rotten fruit and vegetables.
Only for food and medicine Sirius monthly needs about 4000 Euro.
Now cat food and wheat is at an end, for the meat residues there is no more money.
Add to that salaries for employees, medical expenses, building materials, wood for cooking and heating, utilities, etc.
Currently there are 800 kennel almost all no longer waterproof and it is urgently needed building material.
Daily it comes to further debt.
If they are not settled, 2500 animals in Sirius are just hungry.
This can not happen !!!
We urgently ask for your support!
Video from Sirius:
Your donation will save animal lives!
Thank you on behalf of the animals.
by transfer from the EU or worldwide:
Protect Animals With Us e.V.
VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG / Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE33 8306 5408 0004 8459 60
Reference: Sirius
Reference: Sirius

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